

How would your life change if you met your personal and professional goals?

Study and Careers enjoys working with every person – student or adult – who seeks guidance and assistance with their life direction and career path. Each person’s life experience is different and this is reflected in the approach pursued by our professionals. Our range of services are set out below.


What do we provide?


Enabling you to be all that you’re capable of becoming

Your personal happiness is primary. Identifying your needs and enabling you to put a plan in place to help you realise your worth is a core part of our work. This may take the format of counselling and/ or coaching.

Issues addressed include:

  • Life direction 
  • Building confidence and self-esteem
  • Changing negative habits
  • Managing stress
  • Relationships
  • Resolving conflict

Interview Preparation

Helping you put your best foot forward

Study and Careers offers interview preparation, including mock interviews, as a core area.  Competency-based interviews are a regular feature of interviews today, requiring you to demonstrate how you meet the job specification on offer. They require well thought-out preparation.  Mock interviews offering focused feedback are an excellent practice ground.

Career Guidance

Find purpose with meaningful work

Fidelma was instrumental in helping me gain the confidence to make a career change in order to find my own fulfilment. Working with her has been the highlight of my year. She is professional and inspiring. Her approach is one of understanding and encouragement leaving you at such ease when speaking with her that it allows you to really think and search for what it is you really want. If you are in any doubt about career choices Fidelma’s coaching is enlightening and encouraging.” – Una, 29 years

Psychometric Assessment

Finding the best Career Match for you

Psychometric testing is a scientific way to learn more about your abilities, your motivation, your personality, career values and interests. The information you glean from Psychometric testing can give you the confidence to approach decision-making, new courses, interviews, promotions and new directions differently. An exciting process – it is essentially an investment in yourself and your career!

You can also check our career cards.