Course blurb
Can we build inclusive classrooms where all learners needs are met? Arising from her new book ‘The Gifted Learner: How to Help’, Fidelma Healy Eames, PhD, MSc., BEd., argues that classrooms that respond to gifted and talented learners’ needs can meet the needs of all learners.
She is delighted to offer this newly created course. Two and a half years in the making, she draws from research and practice informed by nineteen case studies with gifted learners ranging from 10 years – 58 years of age with learners represented at primary, second-level, third-level and adulthood. Her work draws on a total of 57 interviews conducted with students, parents and a ‘nominated’ teacher who gifted learners felt understood them.
This course spans a wide range of learners. It highlights how to identify, recognise, understand and support the gifted and talented learner, the underachieving gifted learner and the twice-exceptional (2e) learner, ie., a student with a gift and a disability.
Usefully, each chapter contains a ‘how to help’ section for parents and teachers (see attached flyer for further information).
She discusses the key components of setting up a Gifted and Talented programme in your school.
Intended Audience
Teachers, Parents, Guidance Counsellors, School Management, Students
Expected Outcomes
Participants will be enabled to:
Webinar duration
1hr 15 mins
Time will be allowed for Questions.